HARRY, CARRIE AND GARP: So The Wife and I, along with Phil and Philomena Throckmorton, just got back from the Stephen King/John Irving/J.K. Rowling joint event in NYC tonight. Wow. Fun. King read "The Revenge of Lard Ass Hogan", with which most of you (I hope) are familiar via Stand By Me; Irving the Christmas Pageant debate from A Prayer for Owen Meany; and Rowling, interestingly enough, went for the flashback scene in Half-Blood Prince in which Dumbledore meets Tom Riddle in the orphanage.
What you want to know is whether Rowling spilled anything about Book Seven, and the answer is, not really, but . . . (a) Aunt Petunia will matter a bit more in the book, and (b) much to the sadness of many assembled, she made clear that Dumbledore is really dead and will not "pull a Gandalf", as she put it.
Rowling clearly feels a great deal of responsibility about the final book and was tight-lipped about Snape's true calling or any other details. So here's my question for you: what would you want to ask Rowling that she might actually feel comfortable answering at this point?