Friday, August 4, 2006

MY NAME'S LITTLE CLETUS, AND I'M HERE TO TELL YOU A FEW THINGS ABOUT CHILD LABOR LAWS, OKAY? I am not much a fan of the genre, but I ought to let you know that the new horror film 'The Descent' is getting some awfully nice reviews, including this rave from Ebert fill-in Jim Emerson:
"The Descent" -- what a great title. This British horror-thriller recalls grueling, adrenaline-pumping classics like "Deliverance," "Jaws," "Alien" and "Dead Calm." It's that good. Finally, a scary movie with teeth, not just blood and entrails -- a savage and gripping piece of work that jangles your nerves without leaving your brain hanging. And so, for a change, you emerge feeling energized and exhilarated rather than enervated, or merely queasy. . . .

This is the fresh, exciting summer movie I've been wanting for months. Or for years, it seems.

My film priority this weekend, however, is a return date with Will Ferrell. You?