Thursday, November 2, 2006

AVANT GARDE MOLECULAR GASTRONOMY, BIATCH: Yup. Good stuff on display on this week's Top Chef. Plenty of drama, and silly, and food too!

But that pointy-headed molecular shznit will get your Avocado & Bacon Ice Cream beat down vs. good ole Cookies & Marshmallows every time, in every zip code from Maine to Florida to Seattle to San Diego. So take that nonsense back to art school please, Teen Wolf, and don't pretend the kid in you didn't know better. Cliff Crooks crowd-appeal ftw again in the quickfire.

Otherwise, on the TGI Fry-Daze challenge I have nothing upon nothing to add. I probably would have eaten it all.

For my money the editorial set-up thus far makes it look like Cliff, Teen Wolf, Betty and Meat Loaf being groomed for long-term character status. Would love to hear what everybody else saw. Would also love to hear how you all sort the low-screen-time types in order of competitiveness. I have my opinions, but I'm feeling to lazy to link them all. You could tell it was over for Emily as soon as they aired her "your four teeth and your huge ass" comment.

Still, I'm never too lazy to poach a link from TWOP, so, while you're considering the contestants' mistakes and ... um ... merits(?), do be sure to peep the Marisa Homepage. ...I'm kind of hoping that's a photoshop farce, but then I feel the same way about most of what I see on CNN.