TAKE THESE LIES, AND MAKE THEM TRUE (SOMEHOW): On the one hand, it features the music of George Michael, and is remarkably well-edited, moving and funny. On the other hand, it's partisan in a way that we just don't do on this blog, except when we do it. So if you want to see a GOTV video that makes me immensely proud of the work I did before the FEC over the past two years, click on this link, but if you don't, that's cool.
In the interest of equal time, the two funniest campaign ads I've seen this season from the other side -- Lynn Swann's "Decades" and "Heads Up" by Christy Mihos.
edited to add: Okay, another citizen-generated one from one of our favorite genres, the movie trailer mashup, regarding robo-calls in the Connnecticut Senate race.