Friday, May 30, 2008

Championship Round:  It's coming...

We are back live.  THREE SPELLERS REMAIN.  Tia, Sidharth and Sameer...

"Oxylophytic" -- okay, some commenters have called her Tracy Flick and yeah, there is a bit of Tracy Flick in her.  Okay, a lot.  A LOT.  I'm trying so hard to like her.  I've never NOT loved a Bee winner before.  Please, gods of spelling, help me to love her...

"Sinicize" - which means modify by Chinese influence.  It's Sameer's word.  He's not sure.  He's spelling on the back of his number placard...

He says the word over and over.  Hoping that will help.  It doesn't.  He asks for BBC Jacques Bailly to say the word again.  AND THEN HE SPELLS IT RIGHT!!!


(note that I do not know a single thing about Tiger Woods except that he plays golf but everyone says that anyone amazing is Tiger Woods-like so I am jumping on the bandwagon...)

Sidharth with "aptyalism":  he was all, whatever, bring it on, you think that is a WORD, I'm a badass...he walked away before he even HEARD whether the judges thought he was right.  HE IS A ROCK STAR.  I officially luurve him. 

10:00 pm:   "Opificer"--  a skilled or artistic worker.  I do not know if Tia is gonna get this.  She actually seems worried... It's origins are Latin but still she's not sure.  She mouthes the word over and over.  She glances to her Mom and Dad.  She's worried...AND TRACY FLICK GOES DOWN!!!!

(I apologize for calling her Tracy Flick.  She's a lovely girl.  She's a Yang.  But still...)

10:02 pm:  Sameer gets  "hyphaeresis" - the omission of a sound, letter or syllable of a word.  He spells it like it's no thang but a chicken wing...Dude, he's smooth and amazing.

Sidharth -- I am telling you, he OWNS THIS BEE.   He's amazing.  "Kulturkampf".

Next round:  Sameer gets "taleggio"...


They are both so calm.  And so confident!

Sidharth is all, "introuvable?  Is it French?"  Like he hears it all the time!  He is so calm!  I like him more than Sameer who gets "esclandre".  Sameer is the more popular and stylish of the two.  He needs it less.  But I do so admire Sameer and the moment where he gently mocked Sidharth's perfect French accent...

DEAR GOD!!! prosopopia!!!  (am not sure I got this right because I was coming out of my chair...)

Sidharth is OUT!!  OUT!!! If Sameer can't spell this word!!!!  "Guerdon"...


He is posing with a huge statue that is half the size of his body!!! He IS THE WINNER!!! HE WON!!

HE WON!!!!!!

Oh, my gosh, we were doing a bit of a dance here at the office.  I can barely breathe.  It's been fun.  Sameer has won.  Another Bee is over.  

Thank you for inviting me...

See you next year...

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