Wednesday, May 28, 2008

OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABES: I get a little bit giddy at this same time every year.  Because we are Bee-ing, people!   Like I do every year, I use this time as a vacation from being a grown up.  I wear my pajamas (sadly, this year, I will be working but I am determined to continue the tradition and wear my flannel pajama pants to work.  Awkward for everyone who works with me but I will not be swayed by fashion or rules or decorum) and I keep one eye on the Scripps web site and one on the TV.  And I get my Bee on.   This year, I'm enchanted by Sriram Hathwar, who at barely 8 years old, is the youngest speller in Bee history.  He's a tiny tot in glasses who, according to the Corning NY papers, was completely nonchalant during his one on one battle against last year's regional champion, Devin Li -- whom I imagine must be bitterly aghast at losing the title to a baby.  Here's hoping Sriram makes it through the first rounds and lives to spell on ESPN!