AMERICA'S SECOND FAVORITE GUILD (AFTER THIS ONE): I'd figured that the Oscars were a largely foregone conclusion this year, but tonight's SAG awards create some interesting drama, especially since actors are the largest Academy voting bloc--Sean Penn, rather than Mickey Rourke, won Best Actor, and Meryl Streep took Best Actress. Complicating matters is that Kate Winslet's Reader performance was nominated (and won) in the supporting actress category for SAG, but is in the lead category at the Oscars. (Other movie awards generally went as anticipated--Heath Ledger for Supporting Actor, and Slumdog for "best ensemble.")
TV Awards generally lacked surprise, with 30 Rock and John Adams sweeping in Comedy and Mini-Series/Movie, but spread the love around on the drama side, with Mad Men taking "best ensemble," Hugh Laurie taking best actor, and Sally Field taking best actress.