THE ISLAND OF BUGSY MALONE: Sorry I'm so late in posting, but it was a very clever episode of Lost, I think, playing with our expectations of how the plot will work, moving some things quicker than we thought they would move, and giving us a short break from Ben and Jack's Jake-and-Elwood-Let's-Get-the-Band-Back-Together tour, which I hope will help sustain interest in doings on the mainland.
Rather than get all spoilery, I'll just make some observations about time and aging. Something funky is going on with the aging of the others. We know Richard hasn't aged, and we know that another Other has (though I think 50 years is a slight stretch). We also know that in the past, most of the Others are much younger than Richard, but in the present, they're about his age -- are they the same people? If so, shouldn't Juliet know some of them? Also, if nobody on the island can have children, why is it populated entirely with people who, other than Richard, appear to be about 18 years old?
And did I miss it, or did Locke forget something?