Monday, January 26, 2009

WHEN A SCANT BUT UNREMOVABLE OBJECT MEETS AN UNCLOTHABLE FORCE, NOBODY WINS: You'd probably have to look a long time to find a weirder dispute involving dumber people than this. The 2009 Lingerie Bowl, that venerable (five years is venerable, right?) American tradition, has been cancelled because of a dispute with the event's host. The Caliente Resort, a clothing-optional resort, has refused to require clothing for the big day. In other words, the Lingerie Bowl, a thing that exists only to display almost-nude women, is upset by the potential attendance of fully-nude people. This is, of course, an inevitable decision -- you can't televise a lingerie event with a bunch of naked people milling about -- but what did the organizers think was going to happen when they signed up with a nudist resort?

And meanwhile, who are the lingerie specialists who oppose nudity? That seems like one of the more subtly defined fronts in the culture war.

Finally, the author of the article: Emily Nipps. No comment.