QDAY, SNOWY WEATHER EDITION: What with (a) the comment thread on Adam's children's publishing awards post having turned into quite a useful discussion on younger kids' chapter books and (b) Carmichael Harold's excellent how-to-busk guide (see? impart useful and interesting knowledge and you get to plug your band!), I am reminded just how often the ThingThrowers manage to show me things I didn't know before.
Most recently I owe a thanks to TPE and the other fans of Battlestar Galactica around here who persuaded me to sit down and commit to 53 back episodes of this incredibly enjoyable show -- we Cosmos are one episode away from wrapping up Season 2.0, with 2.5 arriving from NetFlix any day now! But I have to admit that the single most useful bit of knowledge I have gleaned from this blog during its 6+ years of existence, bar none, is the recipe for Maggie's Dad's Margaritas. (We've started keeping frozen limeade around the house for margarita emergencies -- oddly, it's the only ingredient that is hard to come by in Manhattan supermarkets.)
I'm sure we've had this conversation before, but it's as good a random subject as any for a snowy get-no-work-done kind of a day -- what's become a part of your life courtesy of the ALOTT5MA community of pop cultural consumers?