Sunday, January 25, 2009

PRIMANTI'S -- HOME EDITION: Reader request, from D'Arcy:
Every year my husband and I host a SuperBowl party. Five years ago, we started a tradition of serving food, usually a dessert, from the regions of the teams. I know it was five years ago because I was trying to make Boston Creme Pie Trifle and some kind of Carolina banana chocolate pudding thing with a four week old baby to care for, while my husband played football in the snow, but that's another story. Last year we decided to start doing food from the host region as well.

So, anyone have any suggestions for desserts and/or food suitable to serve a small crowd that is typical of Pittsburgh (or Pennsylvania in general), Tampa (or Florida in general - I'm thinking probably citrus) or Arizona?
I'd suggest either something black-and-gold or Iron Chef: Battle Heinz Products for the city of Three Rivers, but beyond that ... ?