Wednesday, February 4, 2009

MY NOSE, MY NOSE: Nice double reveal there at the end of this week's Lost, "The Little Prince." This was a well-plotted episode (the reveal, the bait-and-switch on the client, the hint that a record player is never just a record player, and so forth) with showy emotional stuff for Josh Holloway and yet another nice wink to the fans -- "At the time I thought it meant something." "Did it?" "No, it was just a light." In fact, the only subplot that fell a little flat for me was the heavy-handedly mysterious "dum dum DUM" every time Sun was anywhere onscreen. We get it. There's stuff going on here.

So tigers don't much change their stripes, and a good tiger can apparently get a whole lot done in 70 hours -- does that change anyone's mind as to who the good guys and the bad guys really are, and will it ultimately matter? Oh, and while I find the show's literary references to be a little precious, EW's Jeff "Doc" Jensen goes all Saint-Exupery here if you're into that sort of thing.