Monday, February 2, 2009

PEPSUBER, YOU ONLY HAVE TWENTY SECONDS TO SAVE THIS AD: AdMeter rankings are out, and in an upset the amateurs who designed Dorito's crystal-ball-in-the-groin ad bested the pros from Anheuser Busch et al. Your top-ranking film ad? The Jack Black-Michael Cera epic comedy Year One (more here), narrowly besting Land of the Lost and Up. [Among the Epic FAILs? The Gatorade "G" reveal ad -- apparently, no one wanted the Jabbawockeez to talk.]

Consider this an open thread for all your day-after recollections and musings. In terms of the pool, Scott and Devin were both close -- a tight Steelers win (23-17 v. 28-21), both had Roethlisberger as MVP (no one had Holmes), both had Transformers II topping the Ad Meter, and both had all four songs. Scott, however, had them in the exact right order and had it first. So congratulations to Scott, and at least for one opportunity, you get to blog again. Let me know when, where and on what.