THE SEASON-ENDING BIG GAME IN TAMPA OPEN THREAD: For your random thoughts and observations of what's happening on the gridiron and on the tv this evening. The Pool remains open until kickoff.
e.t.a. 9:15p: Your winning Springsteen set was 10th/BTR/WoaD/Glory Days. Shamelessly entertaining (the knee slide! the ref! Clarence on cowbell!), but no Prince.
Another winner tonight? Apparently, anyone at my friend Adam Mordecai's party, where he constructed Mile High Hebrew National at Mordecai Field and (an exploded) Bacon Explosion (construction photo here).
e.t.a. again: Fienberg liveblogged the commercials: "6:44 p.m. Doritos' 'Magic Ball' commercial relies on the thesis that hitting an old guy in the nads with a snow-globe is always funny. Yes, I know it's puerile of me, but I laughed. Twice."
No one had Santonio Holmes as Official Game MVP, so the pool winner will be someone who had Pittsburgh winning a close game, a good number of the Springsteen songs and, well, we're waiting on the Ad Meter ...