OKAY, CAMPERS, RISE AND SHINE, AND DON'T FORGET YOUR BOOTIES, 'CAUSE ... NAH, FORGET IT, HERE'S THE DEAL -- ALL THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE: While we're on the topic of events repeating themselves, it's no coincidence (it's never a coincidence, or at least it hasn't been since Season 2) that Lost is premiering on Groundhog Day. Since we're scant hours from the final act of that often thrilling, often confounding show, I wanted to bump up something I posted over a year ago, about how last season's finale essentially re-staged versions of scenes from the first four season finales.
As I said to Adam, I'm out of the Lost prediction business, which does nothing but distract me from giving in to the show. It's up to you to decide (or, more accurately, to speculate recklessly) whether the characters' unknowing repetition of prior events was a clue or just a stylistic parlor trick. As if that makes it any different from the numbers, the polar bears, the sickness, or anything else.