Monday, March 8, 2010

AFTER LAST NIGHT, THE REAL CONCERN IS WHETHER THEY'LL CREATE A MAJOR NEW ROLE FOR SCOTT HATTEBERG'S STRONG-WILLED, SHARP-TONGUED MOM: Replacing the previously cast Demetri Martin, Jonah Hill will play Oakland assistant general manager Paul DePodesta opposite Brad Pitt's Billy Beane in the film adaptation of Michael Lewis' Moneyball, which is still being revised by Aaron Sorkin.


  1. StvMg9:55 PM

    Unless Paul DePodesta has radically changed his appearance, he looks absolutely nothing like Jonah Hill. I remember DePodesta being tall and skinny during his years as the Dodgers' GM.

  2. Adam C.10:46 PM

    DePo strongly resembles a good friend of mine from college.  He's a psychiatrist now, but he'd be a much better choice than Jonah Hill.

  3. Hannah Lee1:05 AM

    Jonah Hill issues aside, I think there's a more fundamental issue with the casting of this. 

    Is it too late to get them to reconsider Brad Pitt?  I just can't imagine him in anything Sorkin-related.  

    Can we just scratch the casting and start over?

  4. The whole thing's a bad idea, because it won't be about "Moneyball," and it won't be about baseball.  It'll be about guys (some in suits and some in baseball uniforms, true) walking together and talking, rapid-fire, in ways real people never do.  Unless, of course, someone else writes it.

  5. Anonymous8:28 PM

    LDP FTW!!!
