Wednesday, March 10, 2010

COME ON BARBIE LET'S GO PARTY AND THEN PITCH A CLIENT: Barbie Doll versions of Don Draper, Roger Cooper, Betty Draper (or is it Francis?), and, yes, Joan Holloway are set to hit store shelves soon, retailing for $74.95 each. While the Betty Draper doll, right down to the range of emotion, is a spitting image of January Jones, I fear Joan fans will be disappointed by her likeness' lack of, err, oomph.

So, now that the inevitable licensing of Mad Men has begun, what other Mad Men products are you looking forward to seeing soon? Me, I want a Pete Campbell urinating decal for my rear window, a Ben and Jerry's flavor of chocolate and table salt named for Betty's dad, and Kraft Mac and Cheese with fun Mad Men shapes like a pack of smokes, a whiskey bottle, a hotel room key, a riding mower, and a jai alai cesta.