Monday, August 30, 2010

QWERTY IS NOT THE STANDARD BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST. IT IS THE BEST BECAUSE IT IS THE STANDARD: Isn't it time for everybody who runs a blog to sit down and decide, once and for all, what the buttons that read "previous" and "next" (or "previous posts" and "next posts," etc.) mean? They could mean "[older/newer]" or "[previously/next] in the order in which you encounter them assuming that you started with the front page of this blog and are working your way deeper into the archives," but it shouldn't be both. And there should also be a standard about which button is assigned to which side of the bottom of the page, so you can always know whether the right-hand side takes you forward or backward in time. Whenever I'm catching up with a blog I haven't read for a few days and I see those buttons, I have a minor meltdown of anxiety about whether I'm going to get sent back to the page I just saw.