Tuesday, October 26, 2010

PUNDITRY: Lookout Landing's annual analytical World Series preview. Gets me every year.


  1. Is this our preview/predictions post?  Fine.  Rangers in 6 -- because the Giants pitchers are hittable; the Phillies didn't, but the Rangers can.

  2. Adam C.10:08 AM

    The Rangers were definitely the AL team I most dreaded facing as I thought about potential WS matchups back in the days when dreams of butterflies and rainbows and Phillies....  

    But I digress.  Anyway, that Ranger lineup is really really good, and Lee/Lewis/Wilson, in whatever order Texas has decided upon, is a most formidable front 3.  I think that the Giants can't rely on the breaks going overwhelmingly their way in another series.  Plus the Cowboys are so awful that the Dallas-area sports fans will have nothing better to do than come out and scream their heads off in games 3-5.  I'm gonna say Texas in 5.

  3. Nothing better to do?  Try having Troy Smith as your starting QB and the Golden State Warriors as your local NBA squad. :)

  4. InertiaGirl6:33 PM

    Adam and Adam C. - From your lips to God's ears...
