Monday, January 31, 2011

RUNTIME ERROR: While waiting for True Grit* to start, Spacewoman and I were treated to the trailer for Jake Gyllenhaaal's upcoming thriller, Source Code, about a top-secret government technology that allows Person A to take over Person B's body for the last eight minutes of Person B's life. Gyllenhaaaal is forced to relive the same eight minutes of some guy's life again and again to avert a terrorist attack and to woo Katie Holmes's stand-in. It's kind of Groundhog Hard: With a Vengeance, I guess.

Is the eight-minute limitation the most arbitrary central plot contrivance ever concocted? Why eight minutes? After that, the Fetzer valve runs out of 3-in-one oil and gauze pads? The midichlorians get restless? Just enough time for Gyllenhaaaaal's Eight-Minute Abs video? Dumb, dumb, dumb.

*Loads of fun.