IT WASN'T THE BEST EFFORT NECESSARILY AS A SHOW, BUT IN TERMS OF BEING ABLE TO GENERATE INTEREST AND BUZZ, IT SUCCEEDED IN DROVES: So Dana Carvey hosted SNL last night, and while it was sure nice seeing the Church Lady and his Regis again, as well as the Jon Lovitz cameo, Carvey was already too old to play Garth when he was actually playing Garth, let alone 20+ years later. (And since when did Wayne Campbell speak with a pronounced Canadian accent?)
It's a shame we'll never know what could have happened with Carvey's post-SNL career. The ABC sketch show was too edgy, too soon, and then Carvey's 1997 botched open-heart surgery sidelined him for far too long. (Oh, Brokaw on the death of Gerald Ford.)
All SNL episodes are imperfect, so why not 2-3 nostalgic episodes like this each year? Lovitz can come back whenever he wants, and if that Eddie Murphy fellow were ever interested in a return ...