Monday, August 29, 2011

SHE WENT TO THE DOCTOR, BUT YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HE TOLD HER (GUESS WHAT HE TOLD HER!): Sinéad O'Connor can see whomever she chooses, and currently is looking for love online. NYMag has the highlights of her quest, and she is quite specific how important it is that her suitor be a gentleman willing to open doors for her. Below the fold, one of several clips from which I could have chosen:


  1. I assumed she didn't want to be No Man's Woman.  (Of course this isn't just an excuse to embed the brilliant usage of that song in the Alias pilot.  No.)" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="140

  2. Randy8:25 PM

    Sidenote: BOO for Hulu continuing to be unavailable in Canada! One of my favorite Sinead O'Connor SNL sketches from back in the day was "The Sinead O'Connor Awards", in which O'Connor (the always-brilliant Jan Hooks) gave out a series of awards to artists who represented everything she hated about the music industry. Alec Baldwin hosted - either his first or second show - and did a BRILLIANT Bono.  I've never been able to track it down online.  Of course, it may be somewhere on Hulu...

  3. Thanks for your wonderful informative post and i got a good knowledge to read your informational post.

  4. She was right about the Church and everyone who ever made fun owes her an apology.
