Monday, March 12, 2012

BARSOOM FOREVER! Despite the massive negative publicity, I generally enjoyed John Carter. As one would expect from a Pixar alum, the movie looks pretty damn gorgeous, and because of the insistence on doing (very expensive) location shooting, there was a scope and grandeur to some of the vistas that can very easily be lost in today's age of green screen and soundstage shooting. Admittedly, the plot fails to make a lick of sense, in particular, the mechanics of teleportation and the motivation of the villains beyond "WANT POWER!," remain quite nebulous, and the physics aren't exactly based on any science known to anyone. Vulture has a fascinating article discussing why the movie flopped, which, interestingly, seems to be driven by a director with too much confidence in his own source material being given control--Stanton (a long-time lover of the Burroughs books) apparently vetoed marketing material that would introduce John Carter as a character, assuming that everyone already knew who Carter was, which seems a foolhardy decision. Your thoughts on the film, its marketing, or other matters are welcome.