Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I WOULDN'T WIPE MY ASS WITH A BALTIMORE LAWYER. NO OFFENSE:  So that's what it looks like -- for better and for worse -- when Baltimore police leadership gets engaged.  In this week's Wire, "The Hunt" (Sepinwall, Ariano), we see the aftermath of Kima's shooting from both sides -- mostly from the police trying to (a) find the shooters and (b) at least get some "dope on the table" to show the Barksdale organization that they're fighting back. Lester and the team show off just how far their surveillance has taken them, and it's a really satisfying moment when Lester gets to introduce himself to leadership and explain where he had been assigned.

But, of course, Avon and Stringer are at least a half-step ahead, and they've got plans for Savino, Little Man, and Wee-Bey ... and, of course, Wee-Bey has plans for his fish, in a scene where we're not quite sure why Dee has the dread that he does, but he does.

The one detail which police missed, sadly, was Bubbs. Both in terms of Detective Holley assuming ill motives when he saw Bubbs paging Kima with a 911, and then with McNulty in no way recognizing why Bubbs hadn't been down in the projects for awhile when he dispatches him there for some truly quality observational work. This does not bode well for his new-found sobriety.