BUT HOW DO I GET FROM HERE TO THE REAL WORLD? In a show that has provided us no end to its list of sad moments, two more occurred in this week's David Mills-penned season five Wire episode, "React Quotes" (Sepinwall, AV Club). First, the titular question from Dukie to Cutty, with both unable to provide an answer to take him away from a corner life for which he's not suited (the answer is: "ask Prezbo!"); and secondly, heartbreakingly, Bubbles' disappointment that he didn't test HIV-positive, that he did not in fact have a lifetime burden punishing him for his prior failings. (Could Walon be more heroic?)
From what I can tell, most of the contemporaneous conversation around this episode dealt with the meeting of the two fabulists, McNulty and Templeton: which one knew the other was bullshitting at that Baltimore Sun meeting? I thought it was pretty obvious that McNulty knew Templeton was lying, based on his barely-stifled grinning; on the other hand, I thought Templeton thought he was lucky, not catching a corrupt cop, when McNulty confirmed his "12" offering. Your mileage may vary.
In other news, Herc remains thoroughly corrupt, it's all business to the Greeks, Clay Davis knows how to extend an expletive, and Omar can fly.