Monday, January 28, 2013

I'M THE BIRD, YOU'RE THE ORNITHOLOGIST:  Fantastic conversation with Steven Soderbergh, at the self-proclaimed end of his film directing career:
These things—I can feel them coming on. I can feel it when I need to slough off one skin and grow another. So that’s when I started thinking, All right, when I turn 50, I’d like to be done. I knew that in order to stop, I couldn’t keep it a secret—so many things are coming at you when you’re making films that you need to have a reason to be saying no all the time.... It’s a combination of wanting a change personally and of feeling like I’ve hit a wall in my development that I don’t know how to break through. The tyranny of narrative is beginning to frustrate me, or at least narrative as we’re currently defining it. I’m convinced there’s a new grammar out there somewhere. But that could just be my form of theism.