Friday, February 22, 2013

I COULD WRITE SHORTER SERMONS BUT WHEN I GET STARTED I'M TOO LAZY TO STOP:  There's been general consensus over what folks expect to see in the major categories, but what would you like to see at Sunday night's Academy Awards?

I hope Tony Kushner does win for his Lincoln screenplay; it's genius. I want a film other than Brave to win for Best Animated, because Pixar shouldn't get to win just by showing up and, c'mon, bear? I'd like Americans to vaguely remember Jean Dujardin when he shows up to present Best Actress, because it was only last year that he won. And I kinda don't want Jennifer Lawrence to win for Silver Linings Playbook, because one sassy speech plus looking like Jennifer Lawrence does not, by itself, constitute great acting. And as much as I'd like Hugh Jackman to be 3/4 to EGOT, I am very much looking forward to Daniel Day-Lewis's third career win, because I cannot imagine anyone else pulling off that kind of interpretation of such an iconic American.