Sunday, June 1, 2008

ARREST THE PRESIDENT! ARREST THE PRESIDENT! ARREST THE MOTHERFRAKKING PRESIDENT: Just the last few days, I'd started working my way through some of the earliest BSG episodes to see how my perspective has changed about Cylon behavior back then based on what I know now. The skinjobs show up in more places than I remember in the miniseries (I remember the fellow on the weapons depot; I'd forgotten about the fellow in the press corps on Colonial One).

In all events, here we are with the wrong guy running the political wing of the fleet, the wrong guy running Galactica, and the wrong guy looking for the missing base ship. A couple of notes for your consideration:

* Is that what Tigh was doing when the lights were off? Really?

* If so, couldn't have Adama put someone less crazy in charge like, say, Captain Thrace?

* And if the council was going to put something else in charge, couldn't they have picked someone less crazy like, say, Colonel Tigh?

* By the way, that four-barreled derringer is actual firearm, chambered in the delightful .357 magnum, not a stage prop. Good thing Lee was never actually in danger (or was he?)

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