Wednesday, March 3, 2010

SORRY, BOSTON, THERE WILL BE NO WICKEDMETERS: There is now afoot an effort to make Hella- the official SI prefix for 10^27. As a life long East Bay kid, I have to say this is the most hella cool thing since the I Hella (heart) Oakland t-shirts.


  1. isaac_spaceman11:17 AM

    "'At the moment we are focusing on more pressing issues, such as redefining the weight of the kilogram."  Spoken without a trace of sarcasm.  Holy crap, it's an emergency -- drop everything!

  2. Joseph J. Finn11:20 AM

    Joey: What the hell does a paleontologist need a beeper for?
    Monica: Is it, like, for dinosaur emergencies? "Help! Come quick, they're still extinct!"

  3. Of course, there's the pronuncation question--is it a "Hell-Ah-Met-ER" or a "Hell-AHM-oter?"

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Brass tacks here: this isn't going to change the mnemonic device for remembering prefixes, right?  Kelly will still Hurriedly Draw Monkeys or whatever?

  5. Dan Suitor2:01 PM

    As a lifelong resident of New England, I have to say that this is wicked uncool.
