Monday, July 23, 2007

THE CINCINNATI CODE: I find that now that John from Cincinnati has given me a mystery -- what in tarnation was John saying with his sermon a week ago -- I'm more interested, more invested. Some of the meaning was more or less apparent last week (see Sepinwall for details), but this week gave us a few more clues:
  • Joe is a doubting Thomas: This one isn't new. The biblical story is that Thomas didn't believe in Jesus's resurrection until he saw him alive and was allowed to touch Jesus's wounds. In JFC, John, near death, makes Joe heal him by touching his wounds. Joe doesn't believe it, but by the end of last week's episode seems to be coming around.
  • On the wall, the man at the wall makes a man on the wall from the circle and line: Meyer Dickstein draws a stick figure with circles and lines in the wet concrete they're laying as the foundation for the shuffleboard court
  • The man at the wall makes a word on the wall from the circle and line. The word on the wall hears my father: This one I'm not so sure about. Meyer Dickstein, using only lines and a half-circle, writes his initials -- "MD" -- mentioning that "it's not like I'm a doctor or anything." That could be a reference to Dr. Smith, who looks disquieted while John stands in the distance, unseen by everybody except Steady Freddie and maybe Smith. This suggests that Smith's misgivings may soon be allayed.
  • The zeroes and ones make the word in Cass's camera: Cass is moved to tears by the drumming -- the hands and sticks on round drums -- on the footage she shot
  • In Cass's camera, Butchie knows Kai has kept the faith: Kai hid Butchie's boards before he could sell them, hoping that he'd clean up enough to need them back
That's all I've got. With the "Shaun will soon be gone" line this week, I'm a little worried about what "in Cass's camera, the wave lifts them up" is going to mean.