Thursday, January 15, 2009

GO AHEAD, YOU KNOW, WIKIPEDIA IT! With just under three weeks until previews start, here's an oddly low-energy series of interviews with the four leads of Guys and Dolls. With the exception of Oliver Platt, who seems to have some idea of what's going on, Craig Bierko, Lauren Graham, and Kate Jennings Grant are apparently most excited about handing out flyers on Broadway (Bierko), being the tallest cast ever assembled on Broadway (an appropriately though disconcertingly blondified Graham), and doing a show set in the 1930s, 'cause that makes it unique! and original! and edgy! (Grant, who apparently hasn't seen Annie anytime in the last couple of decades).

In their defense, though, they're barely into rehearsals yet, and seem to have gotten corralled into interviews when they thought they were just showing up for a photo shoot in their freshly sewn costumes. And lest I come off as one of those snarky internet people at whom Graham takes a swipe during her interview (who, me?), let me just reiterate that I am deeply excited for this revival and in fact bought tickets for the second first preview on February 4 after the first first preview, originally scheduled for February 3, was cancelled on me a week or so ago.