Tuesday, January 13, 2009

RETURN OF THE MOTHERSHIP: Tonight, after leaving us for eight months (although never really leaving us, thanks to the tour, the albums, the reruns, the YouTubage and my seeing Ruben, Frenchie and Trenyce in Ain't Misbehavin' last week, which I will review soon) following a particularly captivating season, American Idol returns for its eighth year.

We're getting three weeks of auditions instead of four, but four judges at the table instead of three, and Richard Rushfield has six reasons to be hopeful, and six to despair regarding this season. No, five of his six bad reasons are not "Carly Smithson can't come back," and he and I do agree on at least one of the positives, though I wouldn't phrase it quite as strongly: "I am of the opinion that Hollywood Week is not only the most thrilling part of Idol, but possibly the greatest drama in all of television - leading up to the Green Mile; the most harrowing viewing since Euripides. This year we will receive not one but two weeks of Hollywood Week (oxymoron though it may be.) I say, that's a good start, but it's still not enough."

Will you be watching tonight, or are you waiting for the chaff to be threshed and winnowed first?