Friday, January 16, 2009

THE INTERNET IS ALSO FOR CONTEST SUBMISSIONS: Following up on our coverage from last week, the producers of Avenue Q have announced that they're going to test 4 finalists to replace "George Bush" in "For Now," and chose a line based on audience response. Your finalists:
  • "Recession"--Very timely, but has a serious scansion problem.
  • "Prop. 8"--Very theatre-friendly, but runs the risk of being obsolete quickly.
  • "This show"--Amusingly meta-textual given current financial difficulties on Broadway, and a potential permanent replacement in the show that'll hold up for years.
  • "Your mother-in-law"--Cheap joke, doesn't scan at all well, not quite sure why this is a finalist.
I'm going to guess "Prop 8" gets the strongest initial response from audiences, and either it or "this show" is the final cut.