Thursday, January 15, 2009

WHAT THIS AUTO REPAIR SHOP NEEDS IS A LIVE BULL: Before I get a little weepy, I'd like to give this warning to people who will begin watching Season 3 of FNL this month: Don't watch the previouslies. Seriously, while this is a show that, as I said last week, doesn't depend upon surprising plot twists, the way the previouslies telegraph the action is tremendously irritating.

There's so much, and so little non-spoilery, to say about this episode, so I'll err on the side of so little. First, for all of the great performances by so many actors, I should mention that Billy Riggins was a fine character in a beefed-up role (other than the copper-stealing plot), good for low comedy but also delivering unexpectedly touching moments as well. Second, the most reliable feel-good moments in this show come not from romances or fourth-quarter comebacks, but from Tim Riggins enthusiastically pitching a dumb idea, like seeing Gypsy or buying a bull. Third, great work early in the episode by Matt and Grandma Saracen, though I thought the resolution was unnecessary. Fourth, most depressing wedding reception ever, for so many reasons. And fifth, no likely series-ending scene has ever made me want more to see the doomed next season.