Tuesday, March 3, 2009

IT'S JUST AN ILLUSION CAUSED BY THE WORLD SPINNING 'ROUND: Congratulations to Wayne Coyne and the Flaming Lips, whose 2002 "Do You Realize?" off Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots has been named the official Rock and Roll Song of the State of Oklahoma, pummeling in a popular vote Sooner-penned ditties including "Heartbreak Hotel," "After Midnight" and "Never Been To Spain."

The Oklahoma City psychedelic rockers were given a standing ovation by the full Senate after the resolution (.rtf) was formally adopted. Coyne:
It’s phenomenal, it really is. People will remark sometimes how much the Flaming Lips have done for Oklahoma, but I really think it’s the other way around. I don’t know if we would be perceived the same if we hadn’t been from Oklahoma. What would the Flaming Lips be if they didn’t come from Oklahoma? It’s like Santa Claus coming from the North Pole.

See also, from 1994 (for amusement value), "She Don't Use Jelly" performance from The Jon Stewart Show.