IF TROUBLE'S ABOUT, YOU'D BEST WATCH OUT, FOR THE WATCHMEN: It's 1989 and ABC execs desperate to compete against CBS's Muppet Babies and NBC's Smurfs in the 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning time slot, throw a hail mary and surprisingly secure the rights from a crankly Englishman to his series of comics about a group of flawed super heroes.
In the words of one commenter, I bring you the "Best thing ever in the history of things": The Saturday Morning Watchmen.
And I apologize in advance if the cartoon's theme song is playing in your head tonight throughout the midnight screening.
Plus: Slate has a look at what other directors such as Woody Allen, Tyler Perry and Sofia Coppola would have done with Watchmen (Tarantino's looks awfully similar to the above link).
Link via the AV Club.