YES ... OR NOOP? Let us discuss the unsurprising Idol results, and intriguing wild card selections. I have a theory.
e.t.a. Fienberg liveblogs: "I'll remind America once again, that this is at least partially a singing competition. Only partially. OK. Fine. It isn't about singing at all. Welcome to the Top 12, [ ]!"
Sepinwall: "Given that they're going to have to squeeze eight performances and alleged judges' deliberations into a one-hour show, I have to think that the judges/producers have already basically decided on the identities of the three wild cards, and the only thing that can change that is if someone is so blatantly terrible or brilliant that it would seem fishy if they did or didn't make it through."
Me: I want to emphasize one notion, which I've already raised in the Comments, and has a lot in common with the whole tier analysis which will follow early next week -- it's important not to freak out about whether they pick the "best 12" to be in the finals, because that will drive you crazy. The real question is "is everyone from the 36 who could win this competition in the final 12?", and in that light I'm okay with what went down tonight.