17 ACROSS. YES, 17 ACROSS IS WRONG. YOU'RE SPELLING HIS NAME WRONG. WHAT'S MY NAME? MY NAME DOESN'T MATTER. I'M JUST AN ORDINARY CITIZEN WHO RELIES ON THE TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE FOR STIMULATION: Based on the criteria of "1) stylistic innovation and influence, 2) overall excellence in writing, direction, performance and production, and 3) ability to withstand repeat viewings," MZS slideshows his list of the top ten tv drama pilot episodes of all time.
It is an oddly predictable list, but I think that's only because how strong the critical consensus is around so many of the entries. If there's one I'd add to the list (presuming it's not on his comedy list), it's the Moonlighting pilot film which did such a wonderful job of setting up the characters, the mood, the occasionally fourth-wall-breaking universe. (Or may it's because I was 13 when I first saw it, so I'm predisposed to remembering it as awesome.) Also of recent vintage, the show may have gone downhill fast but the Desperate Housewives pilot was compelling, different and gripping.