WHAT THE BLEEP: With tonight marking the launch of $#*! My Dad Says, some thoughts on potential spinoffs:
- $#*! My Vice President Says--An irascible Senator from the Northeast spouts his homespun and occasionally profane wisdom after being elected Vice-President beneath a young, hip, POTUS.
- $#*! My Gram Says--Young family agrees to take in the husband's grandmother, only to find that she's not quite what they expected as she spouts homespun and occasionally profane wisdom. (Starring Betty White, natch.)
- $#*! My Darth Says--A Sith Lord spouts homespun and occasionally profane wisdom. (Note, we may have some rights difficulties here.)
- $#*! Picard Says--A seemingly buttoned-down former Starfleet captain spouts homespun and occasionally profane wisdom.
- $#*! Miss Tyra Says--A former model spouts homespun and occasionally profane wisdom while curing all known diseases.
- $#*! Hugh Laurie Says--Potential retitling of House--maybe this is the way to freshen up the show?
- $#*! Tim Riggins Says--Self-explanatory. He also takes off his shirt once in a while.