Thursday, September 23, 2010

FAMILY DYNAMICS: I didn't get home till late last night, so haven't yet had a chance to watch Undercovers, either variety of Top Chef, Cougar Town, or The Whole Truth, which are all sitting on my DVR (and the last of those may not get watched), but did have a chance to watch Modern Family and Better With You. Modern Family was, as usual, pretty solid, but I agree with Alan--this wasn't a great episode, in no small part because we left the three family units largely separate and there were few surprises in how folks behaved--everyone acted exactly the way we'd expect them to act. On the other hand, I enjoyed Better With You a lot more than most of the critics did, in large part because, as is the case with HIMYM, I find it easy to identify with the characters. Yes, it's very broad and doesn't do fun things with time and shifting narration like HIMYM does, but it still made me laugh. I am a bit concerned that they've written themselves into a bit of a corner with making Mia pregnant (introducing babies on relationship sitcoms rarely winds up working well), but we'll see how they handle it.