Wednesday, March 7, 2012


You can't say we didn't see it coming in this week's episode of The Wire, "The Cost." In retrospect, all they had to do was claim that [are we beyond spoiler protection here?] was several days short of retirement/promotion to complete the cliche grand slam of Foreshadowing That An Officer Will Die, but, still damn.

Three main plots this week -- the pieces coming together for the police through its informants and surveillance work, the Omar detente (via Prop Joe, claiming he never met Omar before), and Bubbles' struggles for sobriety -- and there's still room for so much more: the politics of Baltimore, both in judicial elections and that snippet of a Clay Davis rally; D'Angelo's home improvement; McNulty's visitation schedule; and Maury Levy, the most no-bullshit lawyer in Baltimore. "Is that what you want me to tell him? That I asked you to sign and you wouldn't?"

This episode made me truly appreciate just how deep and rich this show's universe is. Just, wow. And, of course, damn. That was inevitable in a show this real, but it doesn't make it not hurt.

Let's parley in the comments.