Friday, October 12, 2012

IF WHAT YOU GOT WAS A CONFESSION, THEN MY ASS IS A BANJO:  I'm not going to complain about the fact that the AV Club contributors' list of most-hated films of the 1990s also excludes female and black directors. Nor will I quibble that Face/Off and Chasing Amy are far closer to a Best list than a Worst, even considering the third-act problems with each. But where the hell is Just Cause (1995), a shockingly racist, convoluted, and manipulative piece of dreck starring Sean Connery, Laurence Fishburne, Ed Harris, and Blair Underwood? This is a movie which has less-than-nothing for everyone, and makes you angry that it was ever made. Other films may have failed but with good intentions (Powder?); this one was vile from the core, and succeeded.