Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"WHY" AIN'T IN YOUR REPERTOIRE NO MORE:  The Game has been raised, and this season's conflicts are apparent in "Refugees" (Sepinwall, Goodman). For so many characters, they want things one way, only it's the other way.

Start on the streets, where if we know one thing about the new Marlo v. Omar conflict, it's that it's only the beginning. Marlo's callous decision to have the security officer biases our sympathies in a way they're not usually tilted in this narrative universe, so when he turns down the New Day Co-Op we really are rooting for Omar to succeed in the poker heist. Unlike the Barksdale Organization, we don't (yet?) have the three-dimensional view to let us see Marlo, Snoop, Partlow et al as anything other than an evil menace.

Lots of talk of Real Po-lice this week, but other than Cool Lester Smooth little actual policing. I do wonder if there will (because there should be) political ramifications to the effective shutdown of Major Crimes so close to an election, and given that Lt. Daniels knows about it, well, won't Carcetti find out soon enough? Odell Watkins, at least?

[Your campaign finance note of the week: "street money" for election day is a real thing, but it is supposed to be raised into the campaign's coffers legitimately and then distributed as petty cash and tracked as the laws require.]

Finally, Cutty, Prez and the kids. This will not end well.