Tuesday, May 14, 2013

THIS PLACE HAS EVERYTHING: TWEEKERS, SKIVVIES, SPUD WEBB, A CHILD... AND A RUSSIAN GUY WHO RUNS ON A TREADMILL IN A COSBY SWEATER. SO COME ON DOWN THIS WEEKEND. THE BOUNCER'S A BULLDOG WHO LOOKS LIKE WILFORD BRIMLEY, AND THE PASSWORD IS ... "DIE-UH-BEAT-US!": Bill Hader is leaving SNL after this season. Even beyond Stefon and his general willingness to go weird, what a great impressionist -- his Pacino, his Alda, his Eastwood, Price, and of course his Lindsay Buckingham are all top-notch. Lorne Michaels says that from the first audition, he was reminded of Dan Aykroyd:
“In terms of intelligence and talent, he was in that same tradition. He was so completely committed to the art of it and enough a student of it that there’s something strikingly original. He didn’t explode onto the air, but gradually he found his voice, and that became a huge thing.”
Also according to Lorne, both Fred Armisen and Jason Sudeikis are still making up their minds.