Friday, June 13, 2003

ENDLESS SUMMER: Congratulations to bloggist Another 1L, for completing his first year of studies at The University of Chicago Law School.

Then again, he's sticking around the Laird Bell Quadrangle for the summer, so from experience I can tell him that it's a weird kind of break, especially as the students start trickling back in after Labor Day. But it's good to be around for the summer -- you get to know the professors better, you get to enjoy the many Grant Park festivals and go to Cubs games, but, wow, a Chicago summer has its drawbacks, too.

I just hope, for his sake, that's a less-eventful summer than the one I spent in Chicago after my first year, working for the Mandel Legal Aid Clinic. Yikes, that was bad.

edited to add: Jen suggests this related link from America's Finest News Source.