Let's see what some British filmgoers are saying about The Matrix: Reloaded:
The best scene of the film is when Neo bursts in on a man in a locked room, surrounded by thousands of keys, cutting a key on a grinder. "Are you the Keymaker?" Party on dude.
If you a dress a turkey in a PVC outfit and give it lessons in Karate - it's still a turkey. Poor. Poor. Poor. This movie really is appalling because (1) It takes itself far too seriously (2) It features the worst dialogue since Anaconda, the highlight being "let's shake this cave" in Morpheus' cringe-inducing speech (3) It features the most pointless dance sequence seen since the Ewoks decided to get funky in Return of The Jedi . . .
A shockingly bad film, but forget all that for the moment. The Wachowskis can redeem themselves in 'Revolutions' by incorporating the following story elements: 1. Neo punches the Oracle, just to see what happens. 2. The Architect (aka Colonel Sanders) tells Neo he can unravel the Matrix by naming all 11 secret herbs and spices. 3. Agent Smith reveals that he is actually Neo's father. 4. The residents of Zion all grab shovels and just dig deeper. 5. Winnie Mandela gets voted new leader of Zion. 6. The French Guy mysteriously receives an award for 'Best Acting by the most totally irrelevant character in film history'. 7. Trinity has a baby that is all green and covered in numbers. (Please Note: There shall be only 7, because that is the way it must be, and I would have done it that way even if I had a choice.)
Via Hollywood Elsewhere.