Wednesday, June 11, 2003

MURAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD: Did you know that Philadelphia has more public art murals than any other city in the world?

Thanks to a joint venture between Graduate School of Fine Arts and the School of Social Work at the University of Pennsylvania, and through the financial support of the William Penn Foundation and the City of Philadelphia, the murals now have a suitable online home. The all-new muralBase contains photos and data on each of the hundreds of murals painted in the City since 1990, and it's pretty extraordinary.

For samplers, there's David McShane's Jackie Robinson in North Philadelphia and Larry Fine mural (perhaps the closest one, ironically, to our home); Meg Saligman's remarkable Philadelphia Muses, with a strikingness that a photograph can't possibly capture; Diane Keller's gorgeous Frank Sinatra in South Philly; and, finally, A Tribute To Herman Wrice, just a great lasting remembrance of the late anti-drug activist, planted right in the middle of his Mantua neighborhood. Enjoy.