Friday, June 13, 2003

HE'S GOTTA HAVE IT: Round one of Spike Lee v. Spike TV goes to Mr. Lee. As Manhattan Supreme Court (that's the trial court level) Judge Walter Tolub announced in enjoining Viacom from proceeding with the name change pending a future trial on the merits:
What appears, at first blush, to be an exercise in egocentricity, becomes on closer review an earnest attempt by a prominent personality to limit what he regards as the commercial exploitation of his public persona. . . .

Contrary to defendants' position, the court is of the opinion that in the age of mass communication, a celebrity can in fact establish a vested right in the use of only their first name or a surname. There are many celebrities that are so recognized, including Cher, Madonna, Sting and Liza.

Spike TV was set to roll out on Monday, June 16.