Thursday, June 12, 2003

YOU MUST LEAVE THE CHATEAU IMMEDIATELY: "For Love Or Money" "star" Rob Campos, whose drunken antics got him kicked out of the Marine JAG Corps, now has been voted out of his job as well.

According to his firm's website:
The recent news stories related to Mr. Campos' misconduct during his tenure as a Marine are alarming. Furthermore, we were concerned about his conduct during the second episode of the TV show "For Love or Money" on NBC, which aired on June 9, 2003. Taking the two events together, we find that it is in the best interest of this firm to disassociate our relationship with Mr. Campos. Since Mr. Campos has never been a formal "employee" of this firm, the firm simply will cease any additional work and we have asked him to vacate his office space.

We take this action carefully, without haste, and after due consideration. We have factored our relationship with Mr. Campos as well as the decisions he has made over the years and the last several weeks. Although we have known Rob Campos to be an intelligent and hospitable person and a person who has acted mannerly with our staff and our clients, he has allowed himself to become ill perceived. What is of greatest significance to us, is that our firm vigorously enforces the rights of individuals, many of them minorities, many of them foreign to this country and many of them women. We hold our relationship with our clients and potential clients dear to our hearts and of the utmost importance in prioritizing our responsibilities. We do not wish to allow any possibility of our practice of law being perceived as unsympathetic to the causes we strive so hard to protect.

It's okay. There's always Big Brother 4. They'll take just about anyone.

(Item via the good people at Sawyer's World.)