Your blogger will also be less dependent on you by around age 3. That's a positive sign that he's more secure and his sense of identity is stronger. For instance, he'll happily play with other bloggers, instead of just side by side. And, of course, most bloggers this age walk, talk, feed themselves, and use the potty or toilet with little or no help from you or your partner.
Does it seem as if your blogger is typing nonstop? This chatty stage is crucial to his learning new words and getting comfortable using and thinking with them. A good grasp of language allows your blogger to express his feelings, needs, and desires, and the more sophisticated his speech and comprehension of words, the more tools he'll have at his disposal for thinking, telling stories, and talking with you, his siblings, peers, and other adults.
By his third birthday, your blogger can probably put on his T-shirt, draw a vertical line, and balance on each foot for a second or more. He might even be able to prepare a bowl of cereal for himself.
Also, apparently, he may start "playing doctor" at this age, but we'll cross that bridge if it comes to that. Happy birthday.